New Academic Insights Seminar Series for Graduate Research Students
I’m thrilled to launch my brand new ‘Academic Insights’ seminar series designed especially for graduate research students in Macquarie University’s Faculty of Arts with the first seminar “Why We Need Arts and Humanities Research in Today’s World.” This seminar is intended to empower students with a sense of the importance of Arts and Humanities research, and the many reasons why the work undertaken in postgraduate research programs is valuable for both self and society. If you are a graduate research student in the Faculty of Arts (and in this I am including all BPhil/MRes Year 1 students as well as MRes Year 2, MPhil and PhD), please join me for this exciting event, followed by a social gathering at UBar to celebrate our Faculty of Arts graduate research community!
Academic Insights is a special seminar series that I have designed especially for graduate research students in the Faculty of Arts. It aims to bring together scholars from different disciplines and career levels to share their personal insights and perspectives on issues facing researchers – and particularly research students – as they pursue research and research careers in today’s world. It is my hope that these seminars not only provide useful and practical insights into the experiences of those doing research and working as a researcher in universities, and particularly advice for how to navigate postgraduate research programs, but that they will also be an occasion to come together, reconnect and celebrate our wonderful community and the work we do.
Please join us for the first seminar of the series:
“Why We Need Arts and Humanities Research in Today’s World”
Speakers: Noah Bassil, Camilla Di Biase-Dyson, Karen Pearlman, Kirstin Mills (Host)
When: 2:00 – 3:30pm, Friday 1st April
Where: Arts Precinct Function Centre (25C Wally’s Walk)
(The seminar will also be streamed online via Zoom and recorded for those unable to make it to campus. Zoom details are posted internally on Macquarie iLearn sites and email)
I’m also hosting a social gathering afterwards at Macquarie’s UBar to celebrate our Faculty of Arts research community! Please feel free to join after the seminar!
– Kirstin