New Podcast Episode: Buffy the Vampire Slayer 20 Year Anniversary
As someone who grew up watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (my Dad would stay up to record it for me when it was aired too late on a school night), I’ve been enjoying the resurgence of Buffy nostalgia around its 20th Anniversary this year (apart from the accompanying shock that, yes, it really has been two whole decades since I would rush home from school and plant myself in front of the TV with my bowl of cereal, eager to watch the episode taped from the night before). With its double-barrelled premise of Gothic Supernatural and a strong female lead, how could I not love this show? But it soon promised to be much more than that. Witty, honest, raw, goofy, scary, inspiring, intelligent, emotional, surprising, and not unafraid to make fun of itself, the show would go on from its humble beginnings to attract a cult following that has only increased since those early days.

The cast of Buffy (minus Giles!) reunite in a fabulously Gothic photoshoot for Entertainment Weekly
So naturally, when I was invited to make my second guest appearance on From the Lighthouse (a regular podcast from the English Department at Macquarie University), on an episode dedicated to Buffy no less, I jumped at the chance. I was in the North of England at the time, on the other side of the world from the podcast’s home of Sydney, Australia, which meant, rather appropriately, that it was the witching hour when I found myself curled up in a make-shift home studio with a mug of tea, Skype running, and my dog on strict instructions to stay quiet while I discussed the very important business of vampires and werewolves.

Promotional Shots from the Original Series
She did not stay quiet (listen out for her brief cameo appearance and very strong opinions). Nevertheless, the conversation – in which I joined podcast host Dr Stephanie Russo (speaking from Sydney) and Dr Lorin Schwarz (joining us from Toronto, Canada) – was so much fun as we ruminated on what makes Buffy so popular, our favourite moments, how much we love Giles, and much more besides.
Listen to the podcast episode below:
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